Friday, November 16, 2007

4 days of retarded drunken fun

I figured as much for the lsd idea

I drank a 40 tonight. I really am bike trash. oh god.

I went to a party [!!!] there were a bunch of bike kids. We were talking about bikes for a bit and then I mentioned where I lived and everyone was stunned. They were all blown 2 miles from campus. I thought I was the noob but I ride much further than everyone on a daily basis.

the one time I rode to work I was spit at a few times and had cans thrown at me. Oh, that's also the time on my way back a guy purposely tried to run me down something like 3 times. Actually slowed down so I could pass him again and he could have another go at it.

two falls, two head hits. I've already cracked my skull twice

Not being used to having a brake yet I locked it up and went flying over the handle bars. My head hit the pavement so hard my glasses flew off. I tore my favorite jeans, am bleeding from 4 different spots on my left arm, my bike was all jacked up, and when I got up the guy had driven away. I fixed the bike quickly on the side of the road and took off for class fearing I'd be late.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I got hit by a car today.

I was riding to Main Art Supply about to pass another biker. I rarely appreciate today because I was trying to pass an extremely slow cyclist. As I approach to pass I pull farther into the currently open lane. Right as I do that the car cut back into my lane clipping my left pedal. I fell down onto the top tube racking my nuts. My front wheel turned sharply to the left and I went over the handlebars smashing my knee, elbow, and head against the concrete. She stopped just 3 feet away. The second I stood up she just drove away leaving me in the road bleeding from 6 places and almost unable to walk. I threw my bike onto the sidewalk. I had to pull a piece of skin out of my front chainring when it ripped it off of my knee. It also tore 2 holes in my bag, through 2 layers of thick canvas and 1 layer of 18oz truck tarp liner, in total about 1/4 of an inch of incredibly durable materal [this message sponsored by Chrome Bags]. I hit the ground really hard. I should have been wearing a helmet. Feel free to berate me for that.