Saturday, June 6, 2009


I think it definitely depends on the person. I only have one tattoo because I'm very hesitant to get something so permanent without at least a year of thought. I have already scrapped a couple of ideas because after a while I've been kind of meh about them. But the tree I'm coming up on around a year for the idea itself and 11 years on what it directly represents.

I thought about my star wars tattoo for 3 years before I got it.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

seriously hoping this is the penultimate post before he becomes a skid mark

I had all my camera gear stolen from me tonight and then on my ride home I got hit by a car.

why wont this year just fucking end already?

you dumb fuck, dont you think I try to avoid stuff? I avoid shit head drivers everyday that just dont see bikes. I didnt see him making the illegal turn until he turned into me. at that point it's a bit too late.

i ride easily 20+ miles a day all over town. I know how to bike defensively. it's just the more you're out there the more chances to get hit. I spend very little time on campus where people are used to bikes so it's even worse. My 'campus' isnt even a campus so to speak. It's just random buildings in the middle of a city.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

once again wondering where euphoria is

speaking of insurance I had to call my agent yesterday when I got doored by a car. I fucked up the door something good. Ripped it off one of the hinges and bent the outer panel. I have a hard face.