Sunday, October 26, 2008

where the fuck is euphoria so he can post this as straws

we hand out probation like it's candy. people get probation for the mildest of offenses and all it does it give them an opportunity to go to jail.

I wasnt going to mention it to TTB because of the flak I'd catch but I'm currently on probation. That fuck-up last year with the car, where I got dragged down the street. I got a reckless driving on a bicycle charge. The 6 time felon that assaulted me with his car walked and I got 3 months probation, 40 hours community service, and a 300 dollar fine.

This punishment teaches me nothing. All it does it make me hate the system and if I'm caught drinking alcohol even once or leave the city without permission I will go to jail for a while. The description of marijuana as a gateway drug is pretty poor, but I could easily describe probation as a gateway punishment. It will only lead to regular people being caught up in the system, and petty criminals turning into hardened felons.

EDIT: I wish this kind of stuff could be brought up in the somewhat more mature area of P&P and not be used against me in rabble but meh, as if ttb doesnt have enough ammo with which to mock me.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008


I just realized how gross this is going to feel when he really does get offed by a car

yo food suck on my entire ecuadorian asshole

the length of my colon I mean

hey straws go fuck yaself




I was riding

a guy buzzed me and yelled... I took off after him. I followed closely behind...I was next to him as we turned right and yelled "Hey!" in a friendly tone because to be honest I wasnt sure if he yelled like "Yeah bikes!" because there are a lot of cyclists around here. ...he started yelling about how I shouldnt be on the road and he grabbed my shoulder strap and jerked me...I had grabbed onto the door handle though... I popped open the door and pulled myself up while he was still driving. my feet dragging against the ground so much that both shoes and socks were pulled off. The whole time he was yelling at me to get off his car and how I was fucking crazy. Which yeah, I guess it probably looked like that from his perspective. He finally stopped the car about 100 feet from where I was originally pulled down.

fucking brilliant. Well I got a misdemeanor for reckless on a bicycle, I did nothing wrong legally [...] but

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I dont really worry

what's the deathpool at for me getting killed by a car? Because I got hit by 2 today. both in similar circumstances. One, not my fault. the other is sorta my fault but in general one of those things that sucks

first one, I got pushed by a car on a one way street. She cut really hard left and I got pushed into the alley. I didnt go down but I left a nice streak down the side of her white car.

The second was just now coming back from class. I was coming towards an intersection between the parked cars on the right and the traffic on my left. as I approach the intersection the car I'm passing throws on his blinker and turns right....directly into me. I went up and over the hood and skidded across the pavement. I bet I looked funny riding home. I'm pretty cut up all over with some nasty road rash on my left arm. The guy was college aged and really nice. Totally not his fault at all so I just thanked him (sincerely) and rode off.