Thursday, May 22, 2008

I was riding

a guy buzzed me and yelled... I took off after him. I followed closely behind...I was next to him as we turned right and yelled "Hey!" in a friendly tone because to be honest I wasnt sure if he yelled like "Yeah bikes!" because there are a lot of cyclists around here. ...he started yelling about how I shouldnt be on the road and he grabbed my shoulder strap and jerked me...I had grabbed onto the door handle though... I popped open the door and pulled myself up while he was still driving. my feet dragging against the ground so much that both shoes and socks were pulled off. The whole time he was yelling at me to get off his car and how I was fucking crazy. Which yeah, I guess it probably looked like that from his perspective. He finally stopped the car about 100 feet from where I was originally pulled down.

fucking brilliant. Well I got a misdemeanor for reckless on a bicycle, I did nothing wrong legally [...] but

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